Nothing on the Earth happens that is not related to the spirit

Nothing on the Earth happens that is not related to the spirit. Our soul with her good and bad deeds is closely related to all that happens on the Earth. If an earthquake happens, we can never see it as individual karma. It belongs to the karma of humanity as a whole. A person with a materialistic worldview will think someone who makes such a statement to be superstitious, but whoever says that, is unaware that such a remark is really quite childlike. In the same way that no flower grows without spiritual forces, without being an expression of spirit and soul, there is no earthquake, no volcanic eruption without a spiritual reason, without a spiritual cause.

Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – GA 108 – Die Beantwortung von Welt- und Lebensfragen durch Anthroposophie – Pforzheim, January 17, 1909 (p.93)

Translated by Nesta Carsten-Krüger

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Previously posted on 11 July 2019